Friday, February 11, 2011

Sleep is Overrated

I had the pleasure and opportunity to stay at home with my kids til Mordred was 2 and Balthazar was turning 9 months old. When I went back to work, I went back full time and shortly there after, 3rd shift. I had never done 3rd shift before. I wasn't going to say I couldn't but I was wiling to make a go at it. I admit wholeheartedly, I was an idiot. The love of my life works 2nd shift, so our usual week is : I come home from work at 8:15ish, either unwind or eat breakfast til 9:30ish, sleep til about 2, E goes to work, boys are with me, bedtime at 8 I sleep til 1030, at work for 1130, rinse and repeat. This is all well and good and I so appreciate the 4 hours worth of sleep I have in the morning, the trick comes on Friday night, when I could sleep like normal people but I can only sleep for 4 hours at a time before I am awake for at least an hour and a half before I can even think about laying back down. Throw in there 2 little boys that like to make special guest appearances in our bed and sleeping is a pipe dream. I will say that one of the biggest things about myself that I don't like is that I am not a patient person. If I want something done I want it done, then. thank you. Or I will specify someone can take their time. but this makes a double edged sword when its time to wake up and my brain gets frustrated at my body for not cooperating. I am hoping eventually I will like my job more or will learn to sleep when I have to or some other spontaneous miraculous event will make thing s easier for me, but honestly I doubt it. 
This is a BIG week for us. I am excited for it but also I know I am going to be Exhausted by the end of it. Tomorrow, E and I are celebrating Valentine's Day. I am a sucker for the holidays. Birthdays too. He has something planned, no idea what. I think I am just gonna roll with the punches on this one. (hopefully). Monday is actual Valentines Day, my fingers are queued at the ready to send sappy texts to all my closest friends. Tuesday is an anniversary, not ours but one that I acknowledge. Thursday, the family is going down to Boston for B. to see his specialist. 
B has Biotinidase Deficiency. It is a vitamin deficiency that effects everything for his skin to metabolism, from hair loss to seizures. He will be on a supplement for the rest of his life, but his symptoms come out more prevalently if he doesn't take his meds or, like this winter, he gets sick. I am hoping Thursday they do blood tests, since his soft baby skin on his legs and back now has eczema type rashes on it because of the cold he had at the beginning of this month. 
Friday we are bringing the boys to see Disney On Ice: Toy Story 3, neither of them have any concept f it but I am excited for them.
And Saturday, I am gaining a brother-in-law. Kids staying with their aunt. People over 4 ft tall on my side of the family, have a wedding to attend. 
That is this week. gonna be a good one, I hope. oh yeah and E and I are both working um, some of those days, I think I took off Wednesday night so I am not a zombie for the specialist. 
I don't put my kids in daycare, but they have friends they see on a regular basis and activities that stimulate their creativity and imaginations. Mordred has a little girl friend who he shouts er name excitedly when he is told we are going to see her, and his friend that he has had since he was 9 months old and his mommy he will also call by name. I would be concerned if their social or intellectual needs weren't being met, but that is just not the case, so when we need it we know that we will put them in an outside source of day- care. til then. we got it covered. Thanks. 
Ok that is enough of my soapbox today. Time to put it away call it a day

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