Friday, February 25, 2011

I win, Damnit! (Feb 18, 2011)

So we ran into some... technical issues this evening with my blog. it's been rectified but it means my followers... will have to re-follow me. If you would be so kind.
This week we acquired a fresh-water fish tank. complete with fish. Mordred and Balthazar love them. I think after a few days of what I am sure was fishy migraines, I think the boys have stopped their need for incessant tapping on the tank. Poor fish. Balthazar has named all the fish Bubba, and Mordred calls them all shish.
So my mother has been making requests on what to have for dinner, when it comes to the kitchen she is full of good ideas and I am best at fruition. 2 nights ago it was fish chowder. the kids loved it. on the other hand, when Mordred asked what it was and I said fish he peered questioningly at the tank. but didn't stop eating.... somehow at that moment I was glad he was too short to reach the panel to open it... visions of my 2 year-old walking around with a mouthful of water and guppies filled my mind, I tried to keep a straight face. By the way, in case you were wondering, the chowder was excellent. It was missing potatoes , but honestly, I don't like potatoes in chowder so they weren't missed, per say. If there is any interest I can give the recipe I used for the chowder and the meal we had the night before.
We had chicken curry. It was my first time making both things but the curry I was truly proud of. The look, the smell, the taste, the spice, all present. I actually can't wait til I can make it again. I used a basic recipe I found then made some substitutions and additions. We have friends coming over on Monday and I am kinda in the mood to knock socks off with another exceptional meal. Ok. so I will tell you a secret. I have 2 reasons I cook. They are mutually exclusive most of the time but it doesn't mean that sometimes they arent both true. Reason #1 I want to impress you. I have low enough self-esteem where I can say that I think I do very few things well. Cooking is amongst them. Reason #2, I like you. and I want to show you.
Food is an incredible thing to me. We need it to survive, but a meal can do and be so much more. When you think of Thanksgiving dinner, are you thinking about just the courses or the stupid story someone has to tell every year, the dynamic of the room, the tradition. When I was little, my mom used to make pastina for me and my brother and the kids in her daycare, to this day I can not make pastina like she can. I can't make hamburgers, or steak like she can either. That taste, that sensation brings me back to a different time and place in my life. Food has no time or place boundaries. it can take you wherever you want to be, even if it is only for the instant it hits your tongue. Some people (like most of the rest of my family) do it with music. I think the next time I write I will tell you about the food mandalas.
For now I am really tired, the coffee has worn out and now I am worn out as well. So,

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