Saturday, February 5, 2011


After reading facebook one night, 2 people had within hours posted that they wanted sushi. I have tried and loved sushi in the past, I prefer maki over handrolls. I wanted to go somewhere besides our local Chinese buffet for some quality sushi. My older brother has Japanese in his lineage and in the past our family has been taken out to eaten by one of them. It was one of the few times that I had been to a restaurant with sushi that was decent in the area. (Boston has some great places but I wasn't making that trip on a whim) So I posted that I wanted sushi as well and the reaction I got from it was inspiring. there were a surprising number of people that wanted to go out with me. Oh look a brick wall. I am Terrified! of crowds. Organizing a group is not something I have a forte in. and having people that I respect let alone admire... lets just say the idea of planning this was daunting at best. In the end, out of the 6 people who showed interest in going, only 3 of us were in attendance. At first I viewed this as an enormous failure. people weren't coming, the day didn't work out, there were a lot of reasons, all valid. but then I picked up these 2 women. They had never met but surprisingly one woman's children LARP'd with the other woman's brother-in-law. My head officially hurt. 
We went to a sushi place a town away and you would never have imagined there was ever a time we didn't know each other or were nervous at all. The conversation flowed, easily and merrily. Woman #1 tried sushi the first time, Woman #2 is highly intelligent and knew what she was talking about when it came to the place and the food. When we left, we were all in a relaxed and wonderful mood and planning to have it again next month. I so hope more people can join us next month, I so hope it is as much of a success. I was so proud that I did the night without being scared and without medication. One outing, one party, one meal, one event at a time and I will overcome.

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